Rev. Dr. Steven G. Redmond
Lead Pastor
I have been blessed to lead the CVNaz family as Senior Pastor for more than 26 years. In that time I’ve seen a whole lot of changes. But the most amazing part of this journey is seeing God move in the lives of His people. I cannot overstate how it feels to be a part of God’s work, how He calls us and invites us to be a part of His eternal redemptive work. God has used this great church in more ways than can be noted.
As Pastor it is a privilege to serve Christ and His church. If that isn’t enough, add to it the blessings at home with my wife Suzanne and 4 daughters (Stacie, Allie, Sarah and Maddie) and it almost seems unfair; the blessings just keep on coming. It reminds me of an old gospel song lyrics, “if it keeps getting better and better, oh Lord, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” It’s a really good thing.
All the praise and glory belong to Him!
Read Pastor Steve’s complete bio here.