In Memory of Judy Carlos
Aug 7, 1956 – Feb 4, 2024
A Life Well Lived for Jesus

There will be a celebration of life ceremony today, March 9th, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Reception to follow.
Castro Valley Church of the Nazarene.
19230 Lake Chabot Road – Castro Valley, CA. 94546
The service will be streamed live on Facebook:
Judy Anderson Carlos was born Aug. 7, 1956 and raised in the close-knit community of Blue Goose, Tennessee. Her early years were filled with love, surrounded by a supportive network of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Her life revolved around the pillars of faith, family, and music. It was her beloved grandfather Anderson, who generously donated land to build a church, was the song leader in that church, and provided the perfect atmosphere for the family’s musical heritage to develop.
From an early age, Judy’s remarkable talent and passion for music was evident as she played piano and organ at the church and learned to sing harmony. Among her most treasured memories were traveling and performing with local musical groups and the yearly gathering with her cousins at the church’s annual homecoming where all the Andersons would be called to the stage to sing. Judy received tremendous support from her mother Bertha, who encouraged her throughout her anointed ministry.
Tragically, Judy’s father passed away when she was only nine years old, thrusting her into an unexpected leadership role within the family. Despite the hardships she faced, Judy’s resilient spirit guided her through life’s challenges.
Judy left for college in 1974 and attended Union University in Jackson Tennessee for two years before transferring to Jackson State Community College. While at Union, her roommate Liz, who was to become her lifelong best friend shared an album from Jackson College of Ministries/ 1 st National Music Ministry Conference. After Judy heard it, she looked at Liz and with complete resolve exclaimed, “One day I will be a student at that college and involved in that ministry.” Two little Pentecostal girls now
attending a Baptist University and exploring a brave new world.
After Jackson State Judy did in fact arrive at Jackson College of Ministries in Mississippi and proceeded to earn her diploma over the next three years. She began working for Lanny Wolfe in the late 70’s as his Secretary and Administrative Assistant as well as lead an amazing women’s vocal ensemble. Judy left Jackson for a fulltime Minister of Music opportunity in California in 1981 and also met Larry later that year. The two were wed nine months later.
Upon relocating to California, Judy met many people and made lasting friendships through her various church and music connections including serving at various churches through the years as Minister of Music, organizing and facilitating amazing choirs and church productions to glorify her Lord. Her closest friends, many of whom knew Judy for decades, remember Judy as a loyal, loving, generous and steadfast friend, with whom they spent many hours in conversation about the Lord, their families, personal growth, and the life of the church.
Judy was never too busy to keep in close contact with her friends, always initiating a time to meet and stay in touch. She was always eager to provide a listening ear or be there in a time of need. In most recent years, in spite of her own health challenges, it was typical of Judy to reach out in various ways to those who were also facing difficult challenges in their own lives. During these times, it was not uncommon to discover a beautifully packaged array of food and specialty items, along with a bouquet of beautiful flowers left on the doorstep as Judy stopped by unnoticed. She loved from the heart and never let go. Judy loved her boys unconditionally and in 2022, Judy’s son Daniel married Lorelyn and Judy finally got her precious daughter.
To her friends and all those who knew Judy, it was no secret that she was a seeker of life in the Spirit personally and corporately. Judy embraced, and took ownership of the musical gifting and passion granted to her by the Lord. Judy was a precious gift and will be greatly missed for her sweetness as well as her feistiness and the precious anointing that rested upon her to lead people into the presence of the Lord. Her musical legacy will forever echo in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness her extraordinary gift. She will be dearly missed, but her spirit will live on through the melodies she shared with the world.
Judy was preceded in death by her mother Bertha and sister Bobbie. Judy is survived by her husband Larry and son’s Daniel and Michael and daughter in law, Lorelyn.
On May 18, there will be a follow on service held at First Pentecostal Church, Lexington Tennessee for her kin and friends in the area. Check the church website in late April for details.
First Pentecostal Church Address: 9491 US-412W Lexington, TN 38351
2 Timothy 4:7 – 8